After Hearts of Fencing aired, its sequel Sunshine Hearbeat had the young cast playing their roles as older adults as a backdrop for the new cast. Some members of the cast went on to star in other series while others pursued a career in singing. Others… were just never heard from again.
Race Wong: (Cheung Ka Lam) She played the main character with a distinctive accent and poor acting. Haven’t heard much from her, really, though according to Wikipedia, she went on to star in a handful of movies, though I doubt her acting has improved any. Hopefully her accent’s been a little more diminished and her understanding of Cantonese has improved. I also saw her appear in Nicholas Teo’s MV 錯了再錯 recently.
Natalie Tong: (Ko Ching) As probably the fastest rising star from the Hearts of Fencing cast, Natalie has improved immensely in her acting, though is currently still playing the younger sister of the main character in various dramas (Just Love, Under the Canopy of Love, Life Art). Recently she snagged the second leading female in the TVB series The Seventh Day co-starring Kevin Cheng, Niki Chow, and Bosco Wong.
Renee Dai: (Wong Miu Yee "Dai Jek Miu") Anyone heard anything from this girl?
Elaine Yiu: (Lam Suet Man "Man Man") Her portrayal of the timid Man Man in Hearts of Fencing was likeable; but afterwards her choice in roles basically ruined her image. I remember seeing her in Revolving Doors of Vengeance as the third party in Ron Ng and Ella Koon’s relationship. Very bitchy. I don’t remember much from her role in To Catch the Uncatchable and never bothered to watch Always Ready. And surprise of the year: she landed a leading role in Safe Guards opposite Steven Ma. Now these roles probably aren’t as bad as Revolving Doors of Vengeance, but her acting is just… bad. Hopefully her role in the upcoming The Seventh Day won’t make me hate her more.
Kelly Fu: (Chui Kam Mui "13 Mui") No comment. Seriously, anything about this girl recently?
Don Li: (Au Yeung Lok) He only starred in two other series (not including Sunshine Heartbeat) after Hearts of Fencing. Instead of continuing acting, Don went on to pursue a career in singing. I haven’t been paying much attention to him, but I’ve heard he paired up with Mandy Chiang and released an album (correct me if I’m wrong).
Chris Lai: (Au Yeung Yat) Like Natalie Tong, Chris continued to star in various dramas as a supporting actor. His acting has improved considerably and was recently seen in the TVB family drama Heart of Greed in which he received a lot of praise. Out of the entire Hearts of Fencing Cast, Chris probably has the most experience: he’s starred in To Catch the Uncatchable, Ten Brothers, Always Ready, Safe Guards, Land of Wealth, Glitterying Days, Welcome to the House, and The Green Grass of Home.
Eddie Lee: (Chu Moon Tong “Don”) Unless you’ve been watching your TV very closely, it’s hard to notice Eddie in his too-small roles in various dramas as the lowest of supporting actors. Apparently, he starred in The Academy, Revolving Doors of Vengeance, Forensic Heroes, and Heart of Greed. And like some of the Hearts of Fencing alumni, he’ll be in The Seventh Day.
Sam Chan: (Kwan Yu Lung) As the son of actor Shek Sau, he’s been pretty low-key.
Eddie Lee: (Chu Moon Tong “Don”) Unless you’ve been watching your TV very closely, it’s hard to notice Eddie in his too-small roles in various dramas as the lowest of supporting actors. Apparently, he starred in The Academy, Revolving Doors of Vengeance, Forensic Heroes, and Heart of Greed. And like some of the Hearts of Fencing alumni, he’ll be in The Seventh Day.
Sam Chan: (Kwan Yu Lung) As the son of actor Shek Sau, he’s been pretty low-key.
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