Based on a manga, Hana Yori Dango tells the story of two very different people: Domyouji Tsukasa, the arrogant and violent heir to a major corporation, and Makino Tsukushi, a simple-minded and hardworking girl of lowerclass status. The audience sees Tsukushi as someone who dislikes being around her rich peers and is disgusted by everyone's blind materialism. Tsukasa is the head of F4, a group of four wealthy guys who dominate the student body. When he is displeased with someone, he sends them a red slip, entitled From: F4; the private school is a natural gossip-churning machine, so whoever falls under the ill spell of Tsukasa will face public humiliation and estrangement. After standing up to Tsukasa after he bullies her friend, Tsukushi is sent the red slip, and is thrown into the turmoil of having the entire student body turn against her. Her only solace is Hanazawa Rui, a member of the F4 who is surprisingly kindhearted and considerate. As Tsukushi develops a crush on Rui, Tsukasa's heart is being warmed by feelings of love... for Tsukushi.
Season 1, although it wasn't draggy, was lacking in realism. How many private schools have dominating individuals with the power to control an entire student body? And the amount of pricey clothes and money splashed across the screen is mind-boggling. We get that the school is directed at wealthy teens; it just may be a little too in-your-face. However, despite the unrealistic-ness of the storyline, it's an excellent drama with compelling characters and raw emotion.
Onto season 2: it entirely upstages the first season. There are some similar scenes from its predecessor (Tsukushi describing the social status of her school, the elevator scene reenacted in a deserted building, etc.). This time, the emotions are double that of the first season's. Tsukushi stops receiving calls from Tsukasa, who's in New York studying. After a year, she gathers up the courage and makes her way to NY with her broken english. She meets Hanazawa Rui who saves her from three menacing men. Out of the blue, she sees Tsukasa on the street and is shocked by his cold words and indifference. Tsukasa, on the other hand, has tried to put up a wall to his heart for a year, but has never been able to forget about Tsukushi.
Season 2 dwells more on the angsty/romantic aspects of Tsukasa/Tsukushi's relationship. Audiences will get to see them struggling to be together even though many people around them are getting affected negatively. Also, Tsukasa has two girls pining for his attention: Shigeru, a wealthy girl whom Tsukasa's mother approves of, and Umi, an amiable and kindhearted person whose desire for Tsukasa turns her around 180 degrees. Shigeru is a likeable character who has an upbeat and outgoing personality. However, after she falls for Tsukasa, her character falls into desperation. She goes to extreme means by attempting to lure him with her body. Umi, on the other hand, uses deception to get Tsukasa to fall for her. While Tsukasa is struggling to regain his memory, she misleads him by claiming to be the girlfriend he's forgotten. In a final act of defeat, Umi directs Tsukushi into an impending snow storm.
The only problem I found in season 2 was the addition of Umi. I hate dramas where they constantly have more than one third wheel in the main characters' relationship (like TWDrama Tokyo Juliet). Shigeru appeared in over half the episodes while Umi only came into the story in the second last episode. Seeing as how Umi's character was initially so widely loved by the hospital patients, I find it hard to believe that just because of love, she would turn into a conniving and deceitful person. Even harder to believe is that she would send Tsukushi out into a snow storm and not think that something terrible would happen. Her character was irrelevant in the drama, and they could've shortened HYD2 to 9 or 10 episodes.
Overall, the performances in HYD I & II were excellent. The actors were well chosen and the none of the characters were one-dimensional. The storyline was kept at a good pace and the music was strategically placed at just the right moments.
Memorable Scenes:
-when Tsukushi's friend Yuki brought Sojiro to the rooftop and showed him what his crush had intended for him to see
-when Tsukushi's friend Yuki brought Sojiro to the rooftop and showed him what his crush had intended for him to see
-when Tsukasa regained his memory and how he and Tsukushi were crying and hugging
-the welcome-back party for Shizuka (Shizuka pushing Tsukushi's bullies into the pool, Rui lending Tsukushi his handkerchief)
-when Tsukushi ran to Tsubaki's car and confessed that she was in love with Tsukasa
-the kisses at the end of both seasons
-Tsukasa begging Rui to give up on Tsukushi
-F4 helping Tsukasa out when his mother cut his credit cards and he wanted to go see Tsukushi (<3>
Rating: ****.5/5
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